Since 2016 I have been working with participatory performance company Restoke as a creative evaluator. It is largely down to their vision and belief in the value of embedded research that I work the way that I do today. Restoke works with professional and non-professional performers over long periods of time to co-create shows. I work as a member of the extended team to capture evidence of artistic, professional, personal and collective transformations as they happen, and give information and feedback to the core team in real time.
I use creative methods to elicit conversations and capture experiences. I develop relationships with participants so that I can faithfully check any assumptions I’ve made whilst observing their work together. This culminates in in-depth and rigorous reports and other, more visual modes of dissemination, such as infographics, artworks and exhibitions. My aim is to make the research an enriching, extended part of the creative experience for participants, audiences and coordinators.
Example projects
2016- You Are Here - Restoke
A promenade show devised and performed in the Wedgwood Institute, a former college for Science & the Arts in Burslem, Stoke-on-Trent. Co-created over 12 months with 15 people from 15 different countries who had moved, or been moved to Stoke-on-Trent.
2018- Man Up - Restoke
A ground-breaking performance about masculinity and mental health. Created with and starring men from Stoke-on-Trent.
2023- The Lotus Eaters - Restoke
The first Restoke show made and performed in their new venue - the Ballroom at Fenton Town Hall. Part of The Odyssey - a multi-venue National Theatre Public Acts production told in five episodes across the country.